Jan. 13, 1996.
A long time ago in a country not far away there used to be stories about a person called Mel Noel. He told a lot of stories about his contact with UFOs, then came along the contactee bashers who really pounched on anyone who claimed to know anything about the space people. Now more than 20 years later Mel has come back and restated what he considers to be the truth just like many other contactees such as Howard Menger are saying. The only thing different now is that many people are believing them.
Here is some information I got off the Net. John Winston.
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From: S W
The mysterious "government insider" whose books have been published by Tim Beckley's Abelard Press of New York, "Commander X," related a very interesting incident which involved the subterranean mega- complex beneath Dulce, New Mexico. The story he tells might turn out to be an important part of the overall puzzle in connection with that which has previously been related. One of the many accounts concerning this particular alien 'stronghold' -- an underground empire which is apparently attempting to spread it's borders to the Mojave, where 'they' have met resistance from relatively more benevolent human forces -- was related by this anonymous Intelligence Worker, who states:
"...In another case an old illustrator, John D., does very painstaking work, but during his being on active duty at Dulce he began to act very queerly. He would write letters to the President informing him of a plot underway to undermine the government, and to sabotage the base. He began to draw pictures of American flags, beautifully executed. He drew strange designs of mechanical devices, began to visit the library and bring back books on physics and advanced electronics. He hardly knew how to spell the words.
"He would patiently explain something of a very technical nature which he shouldn't have understood. When asked what he was raving about and why he was causing trouble by writing the President, John D. would say that he had been 'sensitized.'
"'Last year when I was sick (John D. explained), the doctor on the base gave me sulfanilamide. There is a fifth column in this country that is tied up with aliens. Selenium is being slipped into SULFA DRUGS, and this selenium lodges in the bones and makes the body receptive to extremely short waves, those in the wave band of the brain. Similar to the waves that can be detected by the encephalograph. About 300,000 people in this country have been sensitized, and at least seven secret radio stations have been set up in this country, and they are broadcasting to these sensitized persons, instructing them in the best way to perform acts of sabotage against our planet.'"
These claims as given by the Dulce worker, John D., are incredible indeed, and could easily be dismissed as the ravings of a madman, IF NOT FOR THE FACT THAT many others are saying basically the same thing, that there is a movement underway to bring the minds of the masses under the subjection of some alien force, whether through implantation or other means, and that these alien powers from all indications intend on bringing humanity under their control through such manipulations.
Why would the "controllers" use the United States as the major target of their activity? We believe that this is due to the fact that the United States is a place that was originally intended by it's 'founding fathers' to be a refuge for peoples from all nations to come and work out their collective destinies free from the restrictions of prejudice and dictatorial or tyrannical rule -- a land where all people could express their creativity and individual destinies without interferance. This was their "intention", however it is obvious that the "dream" has not been fully realized because of collective and governmental compromize of the principle that "all men are created equal". The United States, nevertheless, is unlike any other single nation. It is a "melting pot" and a place where not only international human societies on the surface CONVERGE and intermingle in a dramatic way, but apparently where human societies beneath or beyond the earth converge as well. For instance, according to various accounts, most non- surface human societies who are aware of earth have their representatives walking among us in our society (and to a lesser extent, other nations throughout the world).
There is even the possibility presented by some accounts, however strange as this may seem, that the sauroids or reptilians themselves have their own chameleon-like (human-'appearing') "representatives" walking among us, infiltrating our society, for the most part unknown for their true nature.
We have mentioned a few cases previously, however there is another account of a 'chameleon' entity which may have attempted to infiltrate the Pentagon itself, in an effort to seize information about U.S. plans for 'Star Wars' or SDI technology. The unconfirmed account alleged that such a creature was in fact apprehended after a 'contact lense' it was wearing, while posing as a high military officer, fell out, revealing a strange eye-arrangement and a verticaly-slit pupil. The creature was apprehended and studied, and found to possess a reptilian internal makeup! The apartment where the creature was staying was searched and numerous copies of sensitive documents relating to SDI were discovered within, information which 'it' was apparently sending on to it's superiors.
The U.S., then, seems to be in essence a 'World Scenario', if not a 'universal' scenario in miniature and therefore the 'Conspiracy' sees it as a most valuable 'prize'. Therefore it would probably not be too 'far out' to suggest that the war between the human and serpent races from all three 'realms' CONVERGE in the United States and, to be more exact, within the vicinities of Mt. Archuleta near Dulce, New Mexico (a MAJOR earth-base of the Reptilian Empire); the Panamint Mountains of California (a MAJOR earth-base of the Nordic Federation); and the real 'hotbed' of INNER-Planetary and CYBER (electronic) warfare, the Nevada Test Site.
Linda Dudar of Washington, New Jersey [whose letter appeared in a UFO research journal, and was later reprinted in Val Valerian's 'LEADING EDGE' magazine] made the following unusual allegation: "...I liked the story of the silver bebe (TSB, Feb. 1990 issue).
I also had one. I was about 9 years old when it started to bother me. I don't know when I got it, but it was under my skin on my midriff section, just below my right ribs. I went to the doctor and he sent me to the hospital to remove it. I saw when he put it in the tray -- a little silver ball about 1/4" around, maybe smaller. I also still have the scar.
"Dr. Mundy, a therapist who speaks about contactees (and abductees - Branton), told us at a workshop one night about these silver bebes. Apparently they are/were a communication/ tracking device. The ball was not given to me. The hospital kept it. Dr. Mundy told us that during this time period, the 1950's, the government informed all doctors and hospitals to be on the alert for these bebes."
During the 'contactee' era of the late 1950's and early '60's a man by the name of Mel Noel made the rounds of the UFO circuit describing his experiences as an Air Force 'line pilot' whose top secret mission involved the photographing of UFO's (both visible and 'cloaked' craft -- radar directing and infrared film being used for the latter).
These encounters usually took place over the Rocky mountains of Utah and Idaho, according to Noel, and throughout the years 1953-54. One of Noel's lectures was delivered during that period to a huge crowd at the Giant Rock UFO Convention held in the Mojave desert near Twenty Nine Palms, California.
For several years 'Mel Noel' was out of the news, until in the early 1990's that is, when he reappeared stating that 'Noel' was merely a pseudonym, and implying that because of greater present-day awareness of the UFO phenomena he could more easily use his real name of 'Guy Kirkwood'. Kirkwood later appeared on the premier 'UFO CONTACT' episode of the Fox Networks 'SIGHTINGS' series, in the early 1990's.
Kirkwood described an almost identical account as was given by 'Noel'.
Kirkwood's (or 'Noel's') commanding officer during the operation had allegedly established radio contact with the human occupants of alien craft, who were rather attractive in appearance and could even pass themselves off as Americans if they were to walk the streets of any large city. His Commanding Officer later claimed that he had physical contacts with these craft. These human-like aliens claimed during a 'radio conversation' (between themselves and the Commanding Officer -- a conversation which Noel and his three co-pilots were allowed to listen in on) that 'they' were from underground cities beneath other planetary bodies in the Sol System, AS WELL AS from underground cities within the earth itself. They claimed that these colonies or societies were affiliated together through a Central 'Tribunal' on or below the moons of Saturn.
In Kirkwood's own words, in reference to this communication:
Kirkwood also stated: "...They went into a number of other things that may or may not be important; by discussion with legal advice, much of this, I CAN ONLY DISCUSS ABOUT 10 PER CENT OF THAT TOOK PLACE."
This last statement probably had something to do with his security clearance. However, one of the most interesting things about the case was that almost a month after Kirkwood's Commanding Officer informed him and his friends that 'he' was being allowed to join the aliens' society, his plane disappeared off the eastern coast without a trace.
Kirkwood/Noel is convinced that 'they' took him. At one point during the 'Contactee' period 'Noel' even claimed that he could arrange 'for rides' on UFO's, suggestive that he might have had later physical encounters with these space beings.
Researcher John Keel once had dinner with 'Noel' in a restaurant in New York City, and Keel noticed that 'Noel' did hang around people and especially women who were very 'exotic' looking, and Keel was convinced that their conversation was being monitored, possibly by CIA types.
In the mid-1980's a Canadian woman by the name of Joan Howard wrote a privately published book, titled "THE SPACE - OR SOMETHING - CONNECTION".
We refer to it here because it dealt with some experiences which she, or rather her husband, had shortly after she came to America from Britain. In fact Joan devoted an entire chapter to her husbands account, which involved some incidents that took place while he was doing some field work for a certain company, which required a great deal of activity in the out-of-doors. During his employment with this company, 'they' (he and his co-workers) had to travel through some relatively unpopulated terrain in West Virginia, particularly in the regions between Newville in Braxton county, and Helvetia in Randolph county, or rather the general region in and around the northern part of Webster county.
During their travels through the forests and wilderness, and the rolling hills-mountains of West Virginia, he had encountered some very strange things, and heard accounts of strange cavern- related experiences from the locals. At one point, he claimed, their group ran across what appeared to be a pipe sticking up from the ground far from the nearest town. There was no other sign of civilization or anything manmade for miles in either direction, yet here was this large pipe or tube sticking straight up from the ground. But the most remarkable thing was that a flame was shooting out of the pipe as if it were burning some type of gas. They never found out just what it was. Also, in this same general area, they explored caverns which contained some very strange things. One of the caverns had strange hieroglyphic-like writing on it's walls, and others claimed that they heard what sounded like faint voices, and also machine- like sounds moving underground, as if they were emanating from beyond the walls of the caverns, or from their unexplored depths. Two men, he claimed, bedded down one night in front of a certain cave which contained a very deep, unexplored chasm some ways inside. The next morning one of the men woke up and found that his partner had disappeared, and no trace was ever found of him. This particular cave by the way had been known as a place of unusual happenings, and a place to stay away from. Some even went so far as to call it 'Satan's Lair'. Whatever the case may be, it may provide an answer to the man's disappearance. One of the most remarkable accounts that Joan's husband heard involved a man who claimed that, while exploring the labyrinthine depths of a particular cavern in the area, he had suddenly come face to face with a woman. She was attractive yet completely devoid of hair (such as someone who might have been subjected to radiation poisoning?). The woman, who spoke a language completely foreign to the man, tried for some time to communicate. After they found that they were not getting anywhere, they departed and went their separate ways.
Joan Howard also claims to have had contacts with dwarfish beings since she was a small child, although her experiences make it unclear whether these 'occupants' were human or not. She does state however that 'poltergeist' type manifestations often accompanied her UFO experiences, suggesting that the occupants -- whether humanoid or saurioid, were involved with the darker side. She did warn potential researchers to be suspicious of ANY alien group which might attempt to contact them; encouraged them to PROVE if their claims are true; and always to keep "...a cold, keen, analytical mind."
Stan Deyo was one of many Air Force cadets during the 1960's who dreamed of serving his country as an Air Force pilot. That was until Deyo learned that something strange was going on in the Air Force Academy where he was stationed. The anonymous Intelligence Community insider, 'Commander X', relates:
"...Because of what he discovered while an unwilling 'guinea pig' in certain experiments that were secretly being conducted by a covert organization working within the military, Stan Deyo had to flee the United States for a new home half way around the world. Running as far as he could, the bearded scientist ended up in Perth, Australia, where he surfaced to tell his incredible saga of a conspiracy so sinister that it doesn't seem possible that something like this could actually transpire in the birthplace of George Washington, Abe Lincoln or John F. Kennedy.
"Deyo had enlisted into the United States Air Force and was sent for special training to the highly prestigious Air Force Academy located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
"'...We were the elite from all over America, especially selected for a secret purpose we knew nothing about,' he told PEOPLE MAGAZINE, an Australia weekly news magazine not to be confused with the celebrity profile magazine of the same name published in the U.S.
"'They got control of our minds when we were asleep and fed us the most advanced physics for months on end. Then some of us began to realize something was happening to our minds and we rebelled.
"'After two years, they failed the entire class -- 180 of us. We knew too much. I'm speaking out now because I believe the world should know what they are up to, as well as for my own protection.'
"As Deyo explains it, the Sixties were a turbulent period even as far as the U.S. government was concerned. For some unexplainable reason, Stan Deyo found himself along with his classmates in the middle of an 'intelligence war' between the FBI and the CIA, with the CIA bound and determined to keep the lid on a brand new form of technology directly related to UFOs.
"The CIA in conjunction with military-industrial 'big business' has for a period of several years been in collusion, Deyo alleges, on findings that center around the development of a type of disk or saucer-shaped, antigravity machine that originated out of 'alien' technology. According to Deyo's scenario, the U.S. is worried that sooner or later they will run out of conventional fuel sources and that the 'elite' and powerful will need a revolutionary technology in order to survive (and no doubt maintain their control over the populations of the earth). So they contacted General Electric, Sperry Rand and Bell Aircraft to spearhead a drive to develop this new technology, which can whirl a disc-like craft through inter-planetary space at thousands of miles a second using the minds of the craft's crew members to navigate the Earth-made UFOs. This is where Deyo's training was supposedly to come in handy. Because of his intelligence level, he was to be made one of the ship's pilots as soon as his mental capabilities had been 'stretched' through hypnosis and an advanced form of electronic 'mind control'.
'Commander X' continues:
"...One of the most astounding things Deyo said -- and this was almost ten years ago (i.e. around the late 1970's and early '80's - Branton) -- was that he felt one of the staunchest supporters of this radically new anti-gravity technology was none other than the late William P. Lear -- John Lear's father!
"At the time, Lear Sr. was quoted by the Associated Press as having said: 'I can't help but feel flying saucers are real, because of numerous manifestations over long periods of time with many simultaneous observations by reliable observers.' -- And this is the clincher: 'THERE ARE NOW SERIOUS EFFORTS IN PROGRESS TO PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF ANTI-GRAVITATIONAL FORCES AND TO CONVERT ATOMIC ENERGY DIRECTLY TO ELECTRICITY...'
Commander X continues: "For those who hold suspicions that John Lear might -- at least sometimes -- be responsible for dealing from the 'bottom of the deck' -- providing as much in the way of 'disinformation' as valid 'information' -- we can't help but theorize about the significance of the above quote attributed to his father, and the possibility that some of what John Lear is telling us is meant to steer our attention toward 'aliens', rather than look right under our very noses at an Earthly technology that may be advanced beyond what we are currently taught is achievable through modern day science.
"We wonder if perhaps there isn't to be found substantiation
behind the rumor that Lear Aircraft Company (a firm
that John's dad founded) is directly involved in some
sort of research and development project(s) involving
anti-gravity and the manufacturing of UFOs made right
here on Earth.
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-> Posted by: steve@linex.com (Steve Wingate)
John Winston. johnfwin@mlode.com